Call For Paper

Call For Papers


You can send your articles to us at:
Download Author Guidelines

General Instruction

– The papers should follow the Harvard style for referencing

– Maximum length of the paper should not exceed 7000 words (including references)

– The abstract should be of 200 words (maximum)

– There should be at least 5 keywords (maximum 10)

– Headings should not be numbered. Instead, just follow the style mentioned in the template

– There should be a cover page. Cover page should mention: title of the paper, name
of all of the authors, their affiliations and contact email addresses. Place a ” * ”
before the name of “corresponding author”.

– Main body of text should mention title of the article at the top.

– Main body of text should not mention name of any of the authors anywhere.

Review & Publication Policy / Publication Policy

Here are the guidelines for authors regarding processing, review and publication policy processing.

Submit manuscript through online Registration process.

There is no processing fee.

After submission, the BJMT team will have to send the manuscript for desk review/initial screening process. All submitted manuscripts received by the Editorial Office will be checked by the editors. Manuscripts that do not fit the journal's ethics policy or do not meet the standards of the journal or journal scope will be rejected before peer-review. Further, manuscripts that are not properly prepared will be returned to the authors for revision and resubmission.

After passing the desk review the author(s) the manuscript will be sent for review process (sent to two reviewers).

Reviewers’ recommendation should be either:

Accept/Requires minor corrections/Requires major revision/Not suitable for the journal/Reject

After receiving a review of the manuscript, the author(s) will be notified according to review received from reviewers.

After annotative reply and addressing of all comments of reviewers, manuscript will be accepted, and the authors will be notified for acceptance of manuscript.

Sponsorships/source of funding

This journal is an open access and Bahria University; Islamabad is sponsoring agency of BJMT.